The WA Centre for Rural Health’s (WACRH) Healthway funded ‘Conversations For Change’ project works with Mid West organisations signed onto the Community, Respect & Equality Agreement to promote prevention of family violence messaging to the broader community.
16 Days in WA is a State Government campaign to stop violence against women takes place from 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, to 10 December, which is Human Rights Day.
This campaign aligns with the internationally recognised 16 Days of Activism to promote awareness of family and gender violence.
Orange is the colour designated by the UN Secretary-General’s UNiTE to End Violence against Women campaign.
As a bright and optimistic colour, orange represents a future free from violence against women and girls.
This year WACRH, Desert Blue Connect and Health Communication Resources supported over 20 Mid West organisations to promote 16 Days in WA activities and messaging to stop violence against women.
WACRH’s Leading Lights communications group provided the platform for these organisations to harness their collective communications capacity to promote messaging about respectful relationships, equality and non-violence to the broader community.
A range of projects and events across Geraldton were organised by participating organisations to raise awareness of family violence and how it can be prevented through promotion of gender equality and respectful relationships.
Activities undertaken included orange floodlighting of the of the City of Greater Geraldton’s Queens Park Theatre and WA Centre of Rural Health buildings.
Workplace morning tea and lunch events were organised to encourage conversations between colleagues about preventing family violence.
Activities about gender equality and the importance of respectful relationships were incorporated into existing programs working with children and young people.
A series of interviews were held on the Radio MAMA morning show with representatives from WACRH, Desert Blue Connect and Centacare Family Services talking about what they are doing for the 16 Days in WA and why it’s important to their organisation.
Community service announcements were recorded and broadcast on Radio MAMA.
Details and photos of events held by different organisations can be found on the Community, Respect and Equality Facebook page
If your organisation would like to get involved in Conversations for Change Leading Lights communications group to create messaging respectful relationships, equality and non-violence, call WACRH on 9956 0200.
Photo caption: WA Centre for Rural Health staff held a 16 Days in WA orange themed morning tea on Tuesday 8 December 2020.
Media contact: Mia Jeffrey, Marketing and Communications Officer - (08) 9956 0225 -
About WACRH: The WA Centre for Rural Health of the University of Western Australia is one of 16 University Departments of Rural Health in Australia. The main office is based in Geraldton in the Midwest of Western Australia, with a satellite office based in Karratha in the Pilbara. It aims to improve rural, remote and Aboriginal health through research, education, student support and community service activities. For more information, visit: