Meet Carrigan a Public Health student from Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. Carrigan has completed a 9-week rural placement at the WA Centre for Rural Health (WACRH) in Carnarvon, Western Australia.
Hear what Carrigan has to say of her placement with WACRH:
1️⃣ What has been the highlight of your placement?
Meeting such a wonderful group of students made my placement rewarding. We often did group dinners and activities which helped me feel connected so far away from home.
2️⃣ What was your most impactful learning moment from your placement?
Living in a rural environment and meeting so many wonderful community members truly was the highlight of this experience. Their stories and the laughs we shared will always be something I remember.
3️⃣ What is something that has surprised you about Carnarvon?
I expected rural life to be very isolating, but the community I met was anything but that. I found that people were more than willing to show me the highlights of their town and teach me new skills like sailing.
4️⃣ What advice or tips would you give to fellow pharmacy/nursing/allied health] students considering a placement in Carnarvon?
I think being open to doing community engagement and volunteering would be my largest piece of advice. I met so many people through getting involved and this opened a lot of doors and experiences that I wouldn't have gained if I hadn't volunteered.
5️⃣ What are the top 3 things you’d recommend doing on a weekend in Carnarvon?
I recommend going sailing, visiting Gnaraloo beach, and going to the plantations!